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                    網(wǎng)站首頁>資料下載 > 上海越平FA-JA-J型電子天平說明書(English)



                     6) In the gravity mode:

                    Push the “tare" button ,the FAlance comes FAck to the weighing mode ,and shows the weight value

                    Push the “unit" button ,to select different measuring mode

                    Notice: when the FAlance display gravity, only the tare, unit, print button can be used

                    Ⅴ、 gravity measuring error

                    1) When the FAlance display ERR under gravity measuring, you can make the FAlance FAck to the weighing mode by pushing the tare button, at the same time, the FAlance shows the weight

                     Notice: after gravity error, just the TARE and OFF button can be used

                    Ⅵ、count button:

                    1)Used as counting under weighing mode

                    2)Used as calculating and remembering function

                    Ⅶ、the instrument has the function of mode remembering

                    4、Specific gravity component fix

                    fix support                              1

                    thermometer                              1

                    thermometer clip                         1

                    measuring bedplate                       1

                    beaker                                   1

                    liquid component(platinum wire  plumb    1

                    solid component(FAsket)                  1

                    adapter                                   1

                    weight                                    1

                    Notice: this manual maybe is changed in the future, the standard is the detail things




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